Gestion d'import-export

Services complets pour l'importation et l'exportation de marchandises en toute sécurité et conformité.

Nos principaux services inclus

A large industrial shipping port with cranes towering over a wide area. Multiple cargo containers are neatly arranged on the ground, with some labeled with brand names. The background includes a body of water with large ships, contributing to a busy and industrious atmosphere.
A large industrial shipping port with cranes towering over a wide area. Multiple cargo containers are neatly arranged on the ground, with some labeled with brand names. The background includes a body of water with large ships, contributing to a busy and industrious atmosphere.
Recherche fournisseurs

Pour nos clients à la recherche de nouveaux partenaires commerciaux, nous offrons un service de prospection pour identifier les fournisseurs les mieux adaptés à vosbesoins, vous permettant ainsid’étendre votre chaîned’approvisionnement avec des partenaires de confiance.

A cargo airplane is being loaded with large, wrapped packages at an airport. Several workers in high-visibility vests are present, overseeing the loading process. One worker is operating machinery to elevate the cargo into the airplane's open cargo hold. Various equipment and vehicles are situated around the plane.
A cargo airplane is being loaded with large, wrapped packages at an airport. Several workers in high-visibility vests are present, overseeing the loading process. One worker is operating machinery to elevate the cargo into the airplane's open cargo hold. Various equipment and vehicles are situated around the plane.
Several automated cargo trucks carrying shipping containers are lined up on a concrete port terminal. Numerous colorful stacked containers are visible in the background, suggesting a busy port. The ground is marked with shadows and tire tracks.
Several automated cargo trucks carrying shipping containers are lined up on a concrete port terminal. Numerous colorful stacked containers are visible in the background, suggesting a busy port. The ground is marked with shadows and tire tracks.
A large industrial storage yard filled with colorful shipping containers and trailers. The containers are stacked and aligned in rows, displaying various brand logos and colors. There are few vehicles parked nearby, and the area seems to be used for logistics or transportation purposes.
A large industrial storage yard filled with colorful shipping containers and trailers. The containers are stacked and aligned in rows, displaying various brand logos and colors. There are few vehicles parked nearby, and the area seems to be used for logistics or transportation purposes.
Prise en charge des marchandises à l'international

Nous prenons en charge vos marchandises depuis l’entrepôt du fournisseur, avec un suivi rigoureux de la mise en FOB (Free on Board), garantissant que toutes les formalités préalables sont respectées.

Réservation & Prix compétitifs

Nous réservons et négocions pour vous le meilleur tarif de fret international depuis le pays d’embarquement, en tenant compte des délais et des coûts à optimisés.

Suivi de vos marchandises

Supply Connect assure un suivi précis de vos marchandises jusqu’à leur arrivée en Mauritanie, avec des rapports réguliers à chaque étape du trajet.

black and silver pen on white paper
black and silver pen on white paper
brown wooden hand tool on white printer paper
brown wooden hand tool on white printer paper
Vérification documentaire et formalités douanières

Nous contrôlons la conformité des documents d’exportation et d’importation, et nous nous chargeonsdes démarches administratives pourfaciliter vos opérations douanières, minimisant ainsi les risques de retards.

Livraison et mise à disposition desconteneurs

Une fois la marchandise arrivée en Mauritanie, nous assurons la liquidation douanière et la livraison des conteneurs à l’emplacement de votre choix, garantissant ainsi une fluidité maximale dans le processus logistique.